Since 2007, the board of directors of African Forum Scotland have operated the company successfully and thereby received an endorsement by United Nations Conference for Trade and Development - UNCTAD. Thereafter, it was endorsed by the First Minister Scotland - Nicola Sturgeon for its achievement in bringing trade from Scotland to Africa and vice versa. Since then, we have grown to become market leaders and a front runner in the future development of Africa.

The resolve of the Board to invest in Africa to provide food and growth through disruptive technology is guided by the confidence that Africa provides the perfect platform for ethical commercial development and this interest gave birth to Goldcet Africa Plc. Africa falls within the global strategy and in particular, Goldcet’s belief that Africa provides the resources of vastly untapped economic potential and that the continent richly deserves the ethical beneficial exploitation of its ‘as yet’ untapped development resources. These unfulfilled resources offer inestimable investment value to international funders and the latent potential of the hitherto overlooked and disadvantaged African people. This provides Goldcet with a landscape of social and deserving opportunities to act as a primed springboard for Goldcet solutions to help underpin substantial economic growth. In so doing, it will raise the wellbeing of its citizens and achieve this positive economic revolution in an environmentally friendly, economically beneficial and sustainable manner.

Goldcet Natural Capital life Cycles

• Benefiting Mankind
• Economic growth and advancement
• Profits and Dividends
• Positive and prompt returns on Investment
• Enticing investment in Goldcet Africa plc share offer

Positive prospects for Africa

• Helping harness Africa’s potential
• Depth of African Corporate knowledge in our Non-Execs and our Executive Management
• Our ability to access cultural/tribal and political African awareness
• Our existing and established African networks and African commercial nous
• Our ‘turnkey financial’ packages to ease and facilitate African investment and our provision of African financial partners to fund private sector investors and their commitment to Goldcet
• Our hands-on executive engagement in day to day African initiatives

Our Mission Statement

Goldcet will have delivered transformative, sustainable, environmentally sound and community beneficial products, services and solutions which are profitable, and fit for purpose not only in today’s world but for the world of tomorrow.

Goldcet having recognised the global current and ever-growing world food deficit and have positioned ourselves to help meet this stark and alarming contingency and in particular in the Continent of Africa. To address this, we will engage with countries to help them transform from being food importing Nations into self-sufficient food producers, creating surpluses to facilitate them becoming food exporters and net foreign currency earners.

We will be recognised as a household name for working and aligning with Clients to producing dependable and consistently quality produce and having done so in an ethical manner which respects and protects the environment and its communities.

Our Vision

To create innovative and disruptive solutions which help the world’s agricultural population excel in delivering sustainable agriculture, renewable energy and alternative fuels and bio solutions.

To deal with the reality of today and the challenges of tomorrow, we see our most important task as delivering solutions which help our customers excel in sustainable milk and meat production.

We will do this by continually inspiring, educating and motivating farmers and the population to embrace new and innovative insights and concepts.

We will promulgate ideas and solutions which make the lives of farmers and contractors easier, help make their business more successful and thus open up a bright future for them.

Freedom of choice for our customers is the basis upon which our vision and mission are consolidated — but above all helping enable a more informed choice.

We listen carefully before introducing our duly considered and informed Goldcet solutions and thus, our customers’ wishes and needs dictate how we support and help them.

We recognise that over the past few decades, cattle farming has at last begun to embrace improvement and change. However sufficient transformation has not as yet been achieved nor has it reached anything like the levels required to feed future demand.

We will promulgate our committed Goldcet attitude to embrace and help develop natural capital resources as the building blocks to help create and deliver our Goldcet vision.

Goldcet Foundation

Unlike purely profit driven business models, Goldcet maintains a strong ethical approach to business incorporating the complementary delivery of equality, fairness and social benefit. The provision of providing and sustaining betterment for mankind remains firmly embedded at the heart of all our undertakings. To further achieve this and to win the hearts, minds and the intellectual insights and committed support of African communities, we place strong emphasis upon transparency, good communication and community engagement, empowerment and inclusion. To cement this strong bond with our African communities, The Goldcet Foundation will be an active participant and will provide learning, coaching and training units around each Goldcet Hub. Our knowledge centres and vocational training units will be provided as a service to each Goldcet community. Community recognition of this facility and their participation in our provided activities and teachings is paramount to achieving our Goldcet vision.

Communities will as a result enjoy the fruits of linked Goldcet projects featuring initiatives such as safer drinking water and sanitation, rural feeder roads, and enhanced energy and electrification initiatives. Recipients of our Goldcet and Goldcet Foundation projects will especially enjoy coaching and training in our groundbreaking agricultural and energy related programmes. We will sustain and encourage new insightful community understanding and engagement which will help communities take ‘ownership and pride’ of the Goldcet Hubs, to be located within their communities. Acceptance and local acknowledgement of our community conscious ‘cluster’ Hubs will be further augmented by community benefits deriving from the creation of lucrative new jobs and emerging commercial opportunities for local entrepreneurs.

Our Values

We will conduct a for-profits business in an ethical and transparent manner and strategically position our business to help contribute towards improving the environment and the ecology while constantly and sensitively striving to encourage education, engagement and participation alongside the worlds disadvantaged communities.


We shall be fearless, bold, energetic and enterprising in pursuing actions or decisions in the market place that will ensure that we are competitive, satisfy our customers and achieve sustainable growth.


We will perform in a manner at all times that makes us accountable, responsible, and answerable to our customers, partners, leaders, and other employees as well as external stakeholders.

Customer Service Excellence

We will enable our customers to have an efficient, productive, and enjoyable experience by providing customers with what they want when they need it.


We create the environment that encourages our employees to generate a new idea and / or rethink an old idea and develop the idea into practical implementable products, processes, or solutions.


We build effective teams with customers, members and partners who have complimentary competencies, hold themselves mutually accountable, exhibit effective communication and continually challenge each other to strive for excellence.

Strategic Interest

The current and future contribution of agriculture, clean oil, and renewable energy will be very significant to Africa's biggest economy and population. Africa has always been a source of profound interest to products being offered by Goldcet Africa Plc to deliver cost effective food, environmentally friendly, energy products and selfsustainable benefit to mankind.

The Goldcet initiatives mapped for immediate deployment of this product can be termed “Feed and Empower Africa Project” (FEAP) strategy. FEAP will be geared towards the provision of agriculture, hydroponics, anaerobic digestion and fuel solution on medium and long term. This will cover the African continent and employing the resources available in the operational spheres to support the deliverables.

Competitive Positioning

Goldcet ground-breaking technologies will enable materials to be processed which would be difficult to treat in traditional biogas processes. Biopod, biodiesel and biogas plants are uncommon cost-effective investments for converting the waste into renewable energy, vehicle biofuels, fertilisers and chemicals. Our Cow Palace, Hydroponics, Renewable Energy, and enhanced Hydrocarbon Technologies will be a game changer in Africa and the gains of FEAP strategy are billed to be felt in the very medium term due to Goldcet eagerness to commence immediately.



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